Tuesday 19 February 2013

Invite for NIFT design collection

creative invite, paper folding
The idea was to develop an invite which in itself is kind of reminder and could be kept on the person's table as that week's planner highlighting NIFT;s event on that. Later this could be cut and kept as a bookmark. The tagline from the house of NIFT means with the "H" as door signifies that how NIFT open new doors for the upcoming designers and communicators.

calendar design

Each month in this calendar depicts a design process with the help of hand gestures, from forming a vision in ones mind to the final execution of the vision, this calendar portrays the whole journey of how along with challenges, guidance, courage and determination an idea is nurtured.

The last image is a front page for a diary.

box graphics

The theme behind this cubical box is to show how a single cube could be potrayed in different ways. All the sides are made by using different hand printing and painting techniques.

Monday 18 February 2013

children's calendar

The objective was to design a table top calendar for children, using hand printing techniques (i have used stenciling and paper layering). The entire year has been divided into four seasons, with one animal assigned to each season. The plus point of this calendar  being that after each month is over you can use these pages as photo-frames as well.

typography explorations

Monday 4 February 2013

event list and banners for college fest.

An event list and banners  for a theme called tafree, which means just having pure fun. The basic inspiration for event list is the tarot card reading {Indian style}, while the five banners portrays the literal meaning of "the more the merrier  {logo designed by Ritesh Kumar}

Sunday 3 February 2013

poster, hoarding and web ad design as a part of campaign against driving without helmet

road safety, ads

letter form generation from the surrounding objects and architecture

Brochure for "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

Brochure for "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

all the products and graphics of different characters originally belong to the brand called "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

Packaging for coasters, C.D. label and carry bag.

Packaging for coasters, C.D. label and carry bag.

all the products and graphics of different characters originally belong to the brand called "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

Magazine ad and sale flyer

Magazine ad and sale flyer

all the products and graphics of different characters originally belong to the brand called "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

Posters for "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

posters, moustaches,funny
Posters for "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

all the products and graphics of different characters originally belong to the brand called "KYA CHEEZ HAI"

Re-branding for a company called "KYA CHEEZ HAI" as a part of college assignment

Re-designed logo

all the products and graphics of different characters originally belong to the brand called "KYA CHEEZ HAI"
1.Business card.
2.Envelope and letter head.